
US Deports Migrants to India on Military Flight, Official Confirms

Published On Tue, 04 Feb 2025
Raghav Srinivasan
A U.S. military aircraft is deporting migrants to India, marking the farthest destination yet for the Trump administration's use of military transport for deportations, a U.S. official confirmed on Monday (Feb 3). President Donald Trump has increasingly relied on the military to enforce his immigration policies, including deploying additional troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, using military planes for deportations, and housing migrants on military bases.
According to the official, who spoke anonymously, a C-17 aircraft carrying migrants had already departed for India but was not expected to arrive for at least 24 hours. The Pentagon has also begun providing flights to deport over 5,000 migrants from detention centers in El Paso, Texas, and San Diego, California. So far, military aircraft have been used to deport migrants to Guatemala, Peru, and Honduras. Military deportation flights are notably expensive. Last week, a single flight to Guatemala was estimated to cost at least $4,675 per migrant, according to Reuters.
Disclaimer: This image is taken from Reuters.